Derichebourg Environnement

Please tell us, we care!

This whistleblowing platform is a global way of submitting reports that provides reporting capabilities for employees and other stakeholders to report corruption, conflict of interest, fraud, harassment, working conditions, serious environmental damages, theft, breach of laws and regulation, or other improper conduct, unethical or illegal activity in the workplace. This reporting can be anonymous if you want.

Abderaman El Aoufir
Abderaman El Aoufir
Derichebourg Environnement CEO
Thomas Derichebourg
Thomas Derichebourg
Derichebourg Environnement General Manager
Unethical behaviour has no place in our company. We trust you to report any unlawful behaviour through this platform. Due to your vigilance, we have no doubt we will foster at Derichebourg a culture of accountability and transparency.

Your collaboration is crucial to ensure an appropriate governance of the company.

Why should I submit a report?
What sort of reports will help your company?
What is the process for submitting a report? What is a postbox and how do I set up one?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
Slanderous or defamatory accusations
Group whistleblowing policy