Johanniter Unfall-Hilfe e.V.

We don’t turn a blind eye

The Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe whistleblowing system deserves your involvement and trust!

The legally compliant conduct of our management and supervisory bodies as well as our full-time and voluntary employees is an essential basis of our identity. The people we work with or who support our charitable work with donations and membership fees have a right to expect that the members of our organisation will always act within the framework of law and order. As an organisation, we are committed to a transparent, positive, open and cooperative corporate culture. We can only effectively fulfil our responsibility towards our employees and the people entrusted to us if we are made aware of possible violations of the law and malpractice in our organisation. This is the case in Germany, but also in the countries where we are active as Johanniter International Assistance.

By submitting your report, you will be making an important contribution to combatting and also detecting and preventing violations of law and the code of conduct at an early stage. We effectively protect you as whistleblower and offer you a communication platform secured with the latest technology for submitting reports, regardless of whether you wish to do so by name or anonymously. At the same time, you can receive feedback on the processing status and answer questions about your report in a secure manner by setting up a secured postbox at the end of the reporting process. A special reporting category allows reports of violations in the area of Johanniter International Assistance to be submitted.

More information about the reporting process can be found in the FAQs.

As Johanniter, we would like to thank you for your assistance and support!

Why should I submit a report?
What kind of report is useful for our organisation?
How do I submit a report if an incident has occurred in a project country of Johanniter International Assistance?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
How am I protected as a whistleblower?