Plasser & Theurer Export von Bahnbaumaschinen GmbH

Prevention of white-collar crime – your help is wanted!

Plasser & Theurer-group is fully committed to responsible and sustainable corporate governance. Therefore, integrity and lawful conduct are core priorities.

Compliance, i.e. obeying the law, is a key element of integrity. We do not tolerate violations of the law or disregard of our Code of Conduct. Any company beyond a defined size must establish channels to allow employees, customers, suppliers, and other business partners to report irregularities within the company. This is why, dear employees, we have made an electronic whistleblowing system available to you and external persons. It allows you to submit confidential, and, if desired, anonymous reports on actual or suspected violations of the law, other irregularities, and negative developments. If you are unsure as to whether a violation has occurred, you may consult the system for advice and information.

In such cases, please consult with points of contact in your immediate work environment first, e.g. your supervisor, HR, the Compliance Officer, or the Executive Management. The system's advantage for our company: state authorities may refrain from initiating criminal proceedings if the company takes measures to address the reported irregularities. Hence, the system is a valuable tool for both damage control and process improvement.

Reports must be made to the best of your knowledge and belief that the information given is true.

Yours, The Management

Why should I submit a report?
What sort of reports will help your organisation?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?