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Josefs-Gesellschaft gGmbH

Your report helps

Dear whistleblower,

If you have observed behaviour that could represent a violation of laws or policies, we ask that you report this information and actively assist us in the investigation.

On this new, independent platform, you can quickly and easily report your suspicions. If you wish to remain anonymous and do not want to share your contact information with us, we ask that you set up a secured postbox and check it regularly. This allows us to communicate with you anonymously in writing in order to ask additional questions that are essential for the investigation and to inform you of the progress of the investigation. You will remain anonymous throughout all phases of the process, even during your dialogue with us, if you so desire.

Thank you for your support!

Why should I submit a report?
Is this the right place for my issue of concern?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and still remain anonymous?