BRED Banque Populaire

Welcome to the BRED Group’s whistleblowing system.

In order to maintain the trust of our customers, cooperative shareholders, partners and society at large, the BRED Group offers its employees the possibility of reporting any shortcomings or dysfunctions.

This online system is provided for you to exercise your right to report. Please ensure that you only send information that you are convinced is accurate. This system is complementary to other existing whistleblowing channels (e.g. direct or indirect hierarchy, staff representatives, etc.) and is not intended to replace them.

The system guarantees the confidentiality of the whistleblower, the facts and the persons concerned. This platform enables you to securely communicate via a secured postbox with the referent processing your report. Reports can also be submitted anonymously.

The BRED Group protects whistleblowers. They shall not be subject to any disciplinary sanction or legal proceedings, provided they act in good faith.

If you identify abusive situations or dubious practices, we advise you to submit a report as soon as possible. It is important that we work together to promote ethics and transparency.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Who can submit a report?
What kind of report can I submit? When should I submit a report?
Is it possible to send a report anonymously?
Why should I submit a report?
How is a report processed?
Information on the processing of personal data