The online portal for improved compliance

Bauhaus Compliance

BAUHAUS is committed to quality, responsibility and integrity. These values are the basis of all our activities. According to these values, the BAUHAUS Code of Conduct defines as a framework the rules that are binding for all employees and business partners. Legally compliant and ethically correct behavior is an essential precondition for our success at BAUHAUS.

BAUHAUS encourages its employees, business partners, customers and also uninvolved third parties to point out violations of applicable law or the BAUHAUS Code of Conduct both within their own company unit and within the supply chains. The whistleblower system enables you to make grievances known without risk to yourself and thereby initiate improvement processes. During the entire process, your anonymity is protected within the framework of the legal requirements.

Your reports help us identify risks at an early stage, prevent or mitigate damage to those affected, and make us an even better company.

We trust that you will use the whistleblower system responsibly and with the best intentions. Please keep in mind that the information you provide may incriminate others.

Rules of Procedure for the BAUHAUS Group Whistleblower System
Why should I submit a report?
What kind of report is useful?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
Who is responsible for handling of the data?