AirPlus International GmbH

Speak up!

Compliance is our highest priority and is an integral part of our company culture. AirPlus believes that acting responsibly and lawfully is an essential prerequisite for sustainable economic success. We strongly believe that, by promoting a culture of responsibility and transparency, we contribute to creating a society with the highest ethical standards.

We encourage all employees, customers or third parties to report suspected malpractice and compliance violations in connection with business activities carried out by AirPlus.

Your report may help us to uncover and deal with malpractice.

This channel also provides you with the option of anonymously submitting any concerns.

Thank you for your assistance!

Why should I submit a report?
How am I protected as a whistleblower?
Which kinds of things can I report using this electronic whistleblowing system?
What is the procedure for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and still remain anonymous?
Protection against reprisals for employees