Direction Ethique et Conformité EDF SA

Acting in compliance with our ethics and compliance rules

EDF's reputation is one of the best in the global energy sector. To maintain it, in recent years EDF has created internal rules aiming to guarantee compliance with national and international laws and regulations, in particular a Group Ethics and Compliance Policy, a charter and a Code of Conduct.

EDF's Ethics and Compliance culture creates the performance for the Group by entrenching its activities.
It reflects the commitment of the Group's employees and collaborators and each one must ensure that it is maintained and cultivated.

With this in mind, the company is providing a whistleblowing system, managed by the Group Ethics and Compliance Department, so that good faith reports can be received and recorded, then processed on a secure and confidential platform.

The whistleblowing system is in addition to the other existing reporting channels (Example: line manager, human resources, ombudsman, staff representatives, etc.), and its use is only optional.

It is not designed to be used for common questions relating to the area of human resources which are managed by your entity's management team.

To help you in your process, the GECD provides employees with a whistleblowing guide.

To find out more, you can consult the Ethics and Compliance page on the website.

Why using an external whistleblowing system?
Who can submit a report?
What can I report?
How do I submit a report?
How can I track my report?
How do I ask for advice?
How do you exercise your personal data rights?