WSA Legal & Compliance


For whistleblower from mainland China:

Please note that Chinese laws and regulations limits or prohibits cross-border transfer from mainland China of certain “Sensitive Information”, including “Personal Information”, “Important Data” and “Chinese State Secrets”. Because the BKMS®-Servers are located in Germany, by submitting such information via the BKMS® System you might risk violating the applicable Chinese laws and regulations and may also bear the risk of being sanctioned by the competent Chinese authorities.

Instead of using the BKMS® System, you may contact the Local Compliance Officer, Alice Guo, for China via email ( or telephone (86-512-67613201-319).

The Personal Information mainly includes all kinds of information recorded by electronic or otherwise that can be used to independently identify or be combined with other information to identify a natural person, including without limitation a natural person's name, date of birth, identification number, personal biometric information, address and personal phone number.

The Important Data mainly includes the data closely related to national security, economic development, and the public interest as specified in the Chinese national standards and important data guidelines, but not involving State Secret.

The Chinese State Secret mainly includes matters related to state security and national interests of China that are specified in accordance with legally defined procedures, and the knowledge of which is restricted to a defined scope of personnel within a defined period of time.

Tell us! We care.

At WS Audiology we adhere to the highest business standards. We act ethically and treat our colleagues, business partners, and customers with the utmost respect. Compliance violations are not tolerated. This is why we´ve created this whistleblowing system – a safe space for employees of WS Audiology to report compliance violations, that you or someone else might be experiencing.

Our compliance policies and procedures, such as our Code of Conduct, are the pillars that we build our reputation on. Therefore, any violations of our core beliefs and principles, such as misuse of personal data, harassment, fraud, or negligence towards the environment are not tolerated in WS Audiology.

Reports of actual or suspected violations of laws or other misconduct and shortcomings can be submitted via this system anonymously and will be confidential.

So, please tell us, and thank you for your support.

Please note: Whistleblowers who submit reports in good faith will not suffer any adverse consequences, however, you may not use the platform to knowingly submit false or defamatory statements or information.

Why should I submit a report?
Which type of incident can be reported?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
Does a report have negative consequences for me?
Is it mandatory to setup a postbox?