DZ Bank LkSG

Whistleblowing system for reports and violations of human rights and environmental protection according to the German Supply Chain Act

DZ BANK AG considers respecting human rights and protecting the environment to be a key component of responsible corporate governance.

We rely on your help to learn of risks and violations as early as possible. We ask you to report indications of violations or risks to human rights or the environment by DZ BANK AG or a supplier. 

Ulrike Brouzi
“As a cooperative central bank of the Volksbanken Raiffeisenbanken financial group, we are aware of our responsibility to society. Every report helps us to uncover potential misconduct at DZ BANK AG and in our supply chain and particularly to protect human rights and the environment.”

You can use the protected BKMS® System Tool (Business Keeper Monitoring System) to submit information about violations and risks to human rights and the environment confidentially. You can also use the secured postbox in the BKMS® System to actively participate in the investigation of your report, even if you wish to remain anonymous.

With your report, you make an important contribution to uncovering and remedying misconduct and developing further preventive measures. You are also helping us to fulfil our social responsibility.

Why should I submit a report?
What kinds of report are useful to your company?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?