FUJIFILM Whistleblowing System for Europe, Middle East and Africa.

FUJIFILM Europe GmbH – Compliance Department


FUJIFILM values open communication. The FUJIFILM Whistleblowing System provides a channel for employees and external parties to raise concerns about possible violations of laws, company policies or other misconduct. The reporting application is hosted by the independent company EQS Group AG using its BKMS® technology, while the examination of reports is handled exclusively by the Compliance Department of FUJIFILM Europe GmbH or by the local Compliance Officer.

“FUJIFILM is committed to the highest degree of ethics in compliance with laws, rules and regulations. An open, fair and clear corporate culture is the basis for all our activities. Please report any suspected violation via the FUJIFILM Whistleblowing System to protect FUJIFILM against damage.”

The reporting application is available 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-per year and stored on secured servers in Germany. Each report will be treated as strictly confidential and with the highest degree of care and attention. FUJIFILM employees who report concerns in good faith are protected by company policy against any kind of retaliation.

FUJIFILM encourages you to disclose your identity when you report a concern. Nonetheless, you may choose to report anonymously, as further described in the Q&A section on the left-hand side of this page. Whether you disclose your identity or not, the system provides a confidential two-way communication channel between you and FUJIFILM.

When you report a concern you must only share information that is true to the best of your knowledge. The intentional submission of false information or of defamatory content is strictly prohibited.

FUJIFILM very much appreciates your support to combat corruption, safeguard integrity, enhance accountability, and support an ethical business environment. By using the FUJIFILM Whistleblowing System, you will help FUJIFILM to identify wrongdoings in the organization and eradicate them in a prompt, professional and confidential way.

Why should I submit a report?
What incidents can be reported?
Can I submit information anonymously?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?