Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA

Speak up! We care.

Our Dräger Integrity Channel provides you with another secure way to submit reports. Effective compliance only works when everyone is aware of their individual responsibility for moral conduct. One thing that is important to us at Dräger: Openly dealing with weaknesses and mistakes allows us to recognise at an early stage where we need to take appropriate steps and possibly put internal company processes to the test and challenge them. This is how Dräger reinforces its compliance culture.

“Instead of looking away, we aspire to address and solve problems!"

Please help us with your report to detect and uncover grievances at an early stage and to prevent imminent damage to the reputation and assets of Dräger.

The Dräger Integrity Channel is available around the clock to Dräger employees, our business partners and anyone else, regardless of their respective location. This allows you to point out potential violations of Dräger's Principles of Business and Conduct (Code of Conduct) its relating global and local policies or applicable laws, using your name or anonymously, or to seek advice in this regard.

We treat all incoming reports confidentially. We also do not tolerate reprisals against notifiers who report potential compliance violations to us in good faith and responsibly. When we investigate a report, we also pay attention to the legitimate interests of the person(s) concerned.

Dräger's Integrity Channel is the internet-based reporting system by EQS Group GmbH (BKMS® System). A description of how the BKMS® System works can be found at: https://www.eqs.bkms-system.com/en.

The Dräger Integrity Channel also gives you the option of setting up a secure electronic postbox that allows you to communicate anonymously and securely with Dräger's team of experts. Reports submitted through the Dräger Integrity Channel are not traceable.

Why should I submit a report through the Integrity Channel?
What type of information can I submit through the Integrity Channel?
Are there special things to consider for Dräger employees?
What is the process for submitting a report through the Integrity Channel and how do I set up an electronic postbox?
I would prefer to remain anonymous but still want to receive feedback. How can I do that?
Who will receive and process my report?