Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG

R&S Speak up! – Reports on violations

The Rohde & Schwarz Group is committed to ethical behaviour in its business activities and to compliance with applicable legal requirements. Violations of such requirements can have serious consequences for companies, employees and the societies in which they live and work. This includes criminal prosecution, damage to reputation and also economic damage.

Rohde & Schwarz therefore offers the opportunity to provide information on possible violations in a protected space. This protection is important to us. That means that reports can also be submitted without giving your name or personal contact details. A secured postbox can also be set up so that it is possible to ask and answer questions as well as share the processing status. You can find out more about this later on.

Your support helps us to respond to violations. This enables us to improve ourselves, our processes and our business activities in order to meet our goal of acting ethically and legally.

More information about the reporting process and the further processing can be found in the FAQ.

Thank you for your reports and assistance!

Rohde & Schwarz

What incidents and observations can I report?
What is the significance of the categories? What happens if I choose the wrong category?
How exact and detailed should a report be?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
What can I do if I am unsure or still have questions?