Veritas AG
Compliance – VeriTell

The safe way to report significant violations

This whistleblowing portal (BKMS® System) is available to employees of the Veritas Group or other persons for submitting reports on compliance violations (e.g. against the Code of Conduct) and justified cases of suspicion as well as for asking questions about compliance.

„Transparency, trust and dedication have been the foundation of our work since 1849. Our long company history is motivating proof that sustainable success can be achieved only with business partners and employees who meet the highest possible standards of legal and ethical behaviour. Please report compliance violations and justified cases of suspicion so that we can protect the Veritas Group from harm.“

If possible, however, you first should take your concerns to people in your immediate working environment, such as your manager, the Management Board or the executive management, the human resources department, the Chief Compliance Officer or the works council. However, if you have reservations concerning this direct contact, or if you have already discussed your concern with a contact person at your company, however without any effect, this whistleblowing portal is the appropriate channel for ensuring your concern will receive the required attention.

With this whistleblowing portal, you can address critical topics openly and without any fear of reprisals. Information that is received via this system, is treated as highly confidential. Employees who submit compliance reports and justified cases of suspicion in good faith do not have to fear any repercussions. In good faith means that the report submitter is convinced that the report is truthful, regardless of whether or not a later investigation confirms this. This system may not be used for intentionally false accusations or slander (denunciation).

We encourage everyone using this system to state their name. Protection of the whistleblower is the highest priority for us. We therefore take all appropriate measures needed to protect the confidentiality of your report. You can find additional information on how your report will be processed on this page under “Information on data protection”.

In addition to this whistleblowing system, Veritas Group offers still other options for asking questions or submitting reports. Contact persons can be found in the internet at, in the company portal for employees (under Group/Compliance) or by writing to

Why should I submit a report?
What kinds of information can I submit to the whistleblowing portal?
What is the process of submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?