ALDI Einkauf SE & Co. oHG

Simple, responsible, reliable

Our conduct is guided by these three core values of our company mission statement. They are the basis for our continued success and characterise the way we deal with our employees, our business partners and our customers.

However we also expect our employees, business partners and customers to act responsibly and reliably. Legal provisions, binding regulations and contracts must be complied with. We ask for your help with this!

For example, do you have knowledge of corrupt behaviour, violations of privacy rights, economic crimes, anticompetitive agreements or other infractions? Make use of the opportunity to submit a report via this whistleblowing system and share your information with us. All reports are handled confidentially. This whistleblowing system serves to submit reports concerning compliance violations within ALDI – even anonymously.

Your reports are important for taking early action in response to compliance violations. The whistleblowing system may not be used to knowingly submit false or slanderous statements or information. We therefore ask that you use the system responsibly.

If you choose to remain anonymous but would still like to be available to provide additional information, it is possible for you to create a secured "postbox". Through this postbox you may communicate informations and, therefore, help to detect or solve an irregularity.

We are grateful for every report.

It is possible to report any violations of applicable laws and internal rules (e.g. legal provisions or binding regulations). Please note that we cannot answer questions concerning products, branches or ALDI via this channel. Please use the contact form on our website for this.

ALDI Nord | 2021

Why should I submit a report?
What kinds of report are useful to ALDI Nord?
Which companies of the ALDI Nord Group participate in the whistleblowing system?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?